This project is emphasizing on the impact advert creates in the mind of the consumers through television and newspaper media. Advertisement is all about letting the public know an existing product or its improvement in terms of quality or its price reduction.
To solve the research problem both primary and secondary data were collected. The research instrument used in collecting the data were questionnaires and interviews. Respondents consists of consumers and management and staff. From responses gotten form the respondents, some get to know about a product through those tow medias, some don’t and others do not know how they know about the product.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Formulation Of Hypothesis
1.6 Limitation Of The Study
1.7 Definition Of Terms
Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Meaning Of Marketing Promotional Mix
2.2 Objectives Of Advertisement
2.3 Components Of Marketing Promotional Mix
2.4 Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
2.5 Advertising
2.6 Sales Promotion
2.7 Personal Selling
2.8 Public Relation
2.8.1 Publicity
2.9 Budgeting For Advertising
2.10 Forms Of Advertising
Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Sources Of Data Collection
3.1.1 Method Of Data Collection
3.2 Population Of The Study
3.2.0 Determination Of Sample Size
3.2.1 Sampling Techniques
3.3 Research Instrument Used
3.4 Method Of Questionnaire Distribution
3.4.1 Method Of Data Analysis
3.5 Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data
3.6 Summary Of Findings, Recommendations And Conclusion
3.7 Summary Of Findings
3.8 Recommendation
3.9 Conclusion
Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product. (n.d.). UniTopics.
“Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product.” UniTopics, Accessed 21 February 2025.
“Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product.” UniTopics, Accessed February 21, 2025.
Here’s a typical structure for Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product research projects:
- The title page of Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
- The abstract of Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- The introduction of Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
- Review existing research related to Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
- The methodology section of Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
- Present the findings of the Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
- Interpret Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
- Summarize the main findings of the Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product study and restate its significance.
- List all the sources you cited in Impact Of Television And Newspaper Advert In The Marketing Of Consumer Product project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).