This study presents the result of quality assessment of some packaged table water sold in Nneochi metropolis. In this study, threedifferentbrandsofsachetwaterweresampled,physicallyexaminedandassessedfortheirphysicochemical parameters using standard analytical procedures to ascertain the level of compliancewith World Health Organization (WHO) and Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) specificationfor drinking water. The results from the physical examinations reveals that none of the water brandsindicated the mineral composition, manufacturing date, expiry date and batch number, while all thewater brands had product name, manufacturers address and NAFDAC number. Furthermore, resultfrom physical analyses showed that total dissolved solid ranged from 46.0 – 128.0mg/l, conductivityranged from 92.0 – 251.0𝜇S/cm, temperature ranged from 25.6 – 27.1℃, total suspended solid andturbidity were found to be 0mg/l. Results from chemical analyses show that all the samples have pHrange of 6.4 – 7.2, calcium range from 3.60 – 7.210mg/l, chloride range from 7.0 – 11.340mg/l,magnesiumrangefrom0.40–4.790mg/l,totalhardnessrangefrom4.0–12.0mg/l,andtotalalkalinityrange from 15 – 250mg/l. The results of both physical and chemical analyses support the conclusionsthat, the pH, electric conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solid, total suspended solid, turbidity,hardness,chloride,calcium,magnesiumandalkalinityofthisstudyarewithintheacceptablelimitssetby WHO and SON for safe drinking water. Therefore, packaged table water in Nneochi metropolis issafefor consumption.
Water is one of the essential commodities needed by all forms of life in ecosystem. It is themost abundant in the earth crust (about 75%).Despite its relative abundance, good qualitydrinking water is not readily available to man (Onweluzo and Akuagbazie, 2010). Sachetpackaged drinking water is very common in Nigeria. It is often found as a major source ofwateratfoodcanteensandsoldbymanyfoodvendorsinthecountry(AdiotomreandAgbale,2015). The non- availability of good quality drinking water has resulted in number of healthchallengesaswaterisknowntobeaprimarycausativeagentofmanycontagiousdiseases.Indevelopingcountriesoftheworld,80%ofalldiseasesandover30%ofdeathsarerelatedtodrinking water (Olaoye and Onilude, 2009; Onweluzo and Akuagbazie, 2010). This giveschance to private individuals to invest in the production of packaged drinking water (Dada,2009). Packaged table water can be referred to as ready to drink packed and machine-sealed water.Thiswaterisreferredtoas“purewater”bymanyofthelocalsinNigeriaandotherAfricanneighbouringcountrieslikeGhana,Niger,BeninTogoetc(AdiotomreandAgbale,2015).Themainsourceofpackaged table water iswaterfromborehole,springs,tapsetc.Sachetwaterproducedin small scale industries is mainly treated by aeration, double or single filtration usingporcelain molecular candle filter or membrane filters and in rare instances, disinfection isapplied.Theleveloftreatmentgenerallydependsonthesourceofwater.
Waterissaidtobepotablewhenitsphysical,chemicalandmicrobiologicalqualitiesconformto specified standards (Onweluzo, and Akuagbazie, 2010). According to Federal Ministry ofHealthStatistics,onlyabout30%ofNigerianshaveaccesstopotablewaterwhiletheUnitedNationsestimatedthatabout1.2billionpeopleallovertheworldlackaccesstopotablewater(Oyekuetal.,2011; Ajewole,2015).
However, physicochemical parameters are parameters that ascertain the quality of water.These parameters comprise the physical which can be access physically like colour, odour,taste, turbidity etc. and chemical parameters that can be determine using chemical test, e.g.chloride, alkalinity, free carbon dioxide, calcium, magnesium etc. Some of these parameterscan be determine by titrimetric method, while some using highly sensitive equipment likespectrophotometer, atomicabsorptionspectrometer (AAS)etc.
Drinking water quality has always been a major issue in many countries, especially in developing countries (Assembly of Life Sciences, 2017). The World Health Organization in its “Guidelines for drinking water quality” publication highlighted at least seventeen different and major genus of bacteria that may be found in packaged table water which are capable of seriously affecting human health (WHO, 2016). The proportion of waterborne disease outbreaks associated with packaged table water has been increasing over the years (Moe &Rheingans, 2016). To solve this problem, the qualities of sachet water samples need to analysed. This study determines physio-chemical analysis of packaged table water samples taken from Nneochi metropolis. Physio- chemical analysis includes analysis of pH, total chlorine, and turbidity and total Iron.
The main aim of this study is to investigate the Physico-Chemical Properties of three brand of Sachet Water sold in Nneochi metropolis, in Abia State, South East Nigeria. This was achieved through the following objectives.
i. To determine the concentration of pH, Chloride, Calcium, TotalHardness, Magnesium, Alkalinity etc. in sachet water
- To analyze the physio-chemical status of three different brand of sachet water sold in Nneochi metropolis
- To ensure that pure water consumed by the residence of the community is safe.
- To ensure that sachet water companies compliancewith World Health Organization (WHO) and Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) specificationfor drinking water.
The present study has revealed that some of physico-chemical parameters of the sachet had values beyond the maximum tolerable limits recommended by WHO and SON. Thus, it calls for appropriate intervention, including awareness development work and improving the existing infrastructure in order to minimize the potential health problems of those communities currently realizing of the available water sources.
This study is useful in increasing awareness about the importance of maintaining clean packaged table water by using easy and effective methods which will reduce the chance of pathogenic microorganism survival and disease transmission for the consumers residing in such environment. This study helps to ensure that the packaged table water that reaches the public is safe.
The purpose of the present study was to ensure quality of packaged table water consumed by the residence of Nneochi metropolis is safe and free of concentration of heavy metals, chloride, chromium, pH, total suspended solid, alkalinity conductivity etc.
Water contamination has been the major problem in both urban and mostly rural area of Nigeria. All water contains natural contaminants, particularly inorganic contaminants that arise from the geological strata through which water flows and to a varying extent, anthropogenic pollution by chemicals.
Nneochi metropolis is a commercial area, and are such faced with a lots of pollution from both commercial and house hold activities. These pollutants contaminate the water found in this area. This is because, this pollutants are not properly managed and hence, could contaminate water source by underground movement of water. The intake of this contaminated water could lead to diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, cholera etc. The above diseases have been the major problem associated with the people of Nneochi metropolis. This work aims at assessing the quality of sachet water.
There are more than three packaged table water within Nneochi metropolis, but in this study the analysis is only carried out in three packaged table sold in the metropolis.
At the end of this work, student involved shall be able to give answers to the following questions:
- What are the types of heavy metals identified in packaged table water?
- What is water contamination?
- What type of bacteria is commonly found in packaged table water?
- What are the heavy metals common in packaged table water?
Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis. (n.d.). UniTopics. https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/determination-of-the-physicochemical-properties-of-three-packaged-table-water/
“Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis.” UniTopics, https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/determination-of-the-physicochemical-properties-of-three-packaged-table-water/. Accessed 22 February 2025.
“Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis.” UniTopics, Accessed February 22, 2025. https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/determination-of-the-physicochemical-properties-of-three-packaged-table-water/
Here’s a typical structure for Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis research projects:
- The title page of Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
- The abstract of Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- The introduction of Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
- Review existing research related to Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
- The methodology section of Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
- Present the findings of the Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
- Interpret Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
- Summarize the main findings of the Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis study and restate its significance.
- List all the sources you cited in Determination Of The Physiochemical Properties Of Three Packaged Table Water Within Nneochi Metropolis project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).