Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System


This study investigated online hospital management system as a tool to revolutionize medical profession. With many writers decrying how patients queue up for hours in order to receive medical treatment, and some end-up being attended to as „spillover‟, the analyst investigated the manual system in detail with a view to finding out the need to automate the system. Subsequently, a computer-aided program was designed to bring about improvement in the care of individual patients, taking the advantage of computer speed, storage and retrieved facilities.

The software designed will take care of patient‟s registration, billing, treatment and payments.

The programming language employed in this work was Microsoft

Title Page- -i
Approval Page- -ii
Certification Page- -iii
Dedication- – -iv
Acknowledgement- -v
Abstract- -vi
1.1. Background of the Study- -1
1.2. Statement of the Problem- -3
1.3. Objectives of the Study- -4
1.4. Scope of the Study- -5
1.5. Limitations- -5
1.6. Significance of the Study- -5
1.7. Definition of Terms- -6
2.1. Electronic Health Record- -9
2.2. Electronic Medical Record Contrast with Paper-Based Record- -15


2.3. Review of Health Informatics in Many Country- -18
3.1. Source of Data- -27
3.2. Methods of Data Collection- -28
3.2.1 Oral Interview- -28
3.2.2 Study of Manuals- -28
3.2.3 Evaluation Forms- -28
3.3 The Existing System- -28
3.4. Input Analysis- -29
3.5. Process Analysis- -30
3.6. Output Analysis- -30
3.7. Weakness of the Existing System- -31
3.8. Justification for the New System- -32
4.1. Output Specification and Design- -33
4.2. Input Specification and Design- -33
4.3. File Design-   – -34
4.5. Procedure Chart- -37


4.6. Program Flowchart- -38
4.7. Choice of Programming Language- -39
4.8. Hardware and Operating System Requirement- -39
5.1. Summary- -41
5.2 Problems Encountered and Recommendations- -42
5.3 Conclusion- -43
References- – -44
Program Source Code- -46



  • Background of the Study

The goal of any system development is to develop and implement the system cost effectively; user-friendly and most suited to the user‟s analysis is the heart of the process. Analysis is the study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationship within and outside of the system. During analysis, data collected on the files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Krishna medical center, luck now (K. M. C.) is a prestigious hospital situated in the heart of Hazrat Genj with a very large patient capacity. This number is increasing at a rapid pace with each passing day. The management of the hospital is concerned with the increasing effort in keeping records of the patient and recording their activities. Health is generally said to be wealth. It takes healthy people to generate the wealth the nation requires for the general well-being of its people. There is therefore the need for adequate Medicare especially in the area of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Since there is a good relationship between the job output and health of the workers, a good Medicare is vital.

Unfortunately, in most developing nation (including Nigeria), this adequate Medicare is lacking due to how standard of technological know-how and manual handling of most medical problems. As observed by Lyiama H.C. and D.C.

Chukwu, “very often, people in developing countries who are critically ill are rushed abroad for special treatment because it is felt that Medicare facilities at home are inadequate. This is partly because computer – aided Medicare has become a reality in many developed countries”. It is also a known fact that the production of qualified medical doctors and other medical personnel and consultants in on the increase, but his is not enough to meet the health needs of the increasing population. The ratio of patients to a doctor is still high.

This situation creates problems, because proper and adequate medical attention of patients is far-fetched. Nowadays, the low-income class is mostly affected. Doctors hurry over their duties in order to attend to all the patients. At the end of the day, they are tired and over worked.

Considering the rate of population growth the medical care and facilities available, and the health needs of the people, computer-aided Medicare is in evitable for more accurate. Furthermore with the present shift to an information society, it is necessary to anticipate the future use of a sophisticated electronic machine the computer. This is necessary because the computer is rapidly finding its way into every field of human endeavor, including medicine. Its application includes patient care and protection, clinical administration, intensive monitoring during emergencies, surgical operations, diagnosis and automation of medical records. For instance, during a complex surgical operation as exemplified by Lyiama and

Chukwu, “the computer monitors person being operated on, revealing all vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, breathing rate, etc) of interest to the doctors in the theatre, thus helping them to be more accurate and effective in what they are doing. Such a patient monitoring system can be with a video Display Unit (VDU), a keyboard for interactive inputs and an alarm”. The wide range of the use of computer is due to its versatility as a data processing machine and its ability to do things including complicated tasks faster, better and more accurately than human beings would.


It has been observed that to receive medical treatment in most of our hospitals, the patients queue up for several hours from one unit of the hospital to another starting from obtaining a new hospital folder, or retrieving an old one before consulting a doctor, to the laboratory unit for lab test then to the pharmacy to get the prescribed drugs and so on. With the manual processes involved in handling the patient most of them waste the whole day in the hospital. Very often, patients leave their homes very early in the morning in order to be among the first group to see the doctor. Otherwise, they may end up wasting the whole day without due attention.

This situation is discouraging to most patients and sometimes forces them to turn to non-professionals or even resort to self-medication for quick recovery.

Moreover, the volume of work for the hospital personnel is much. Patients outnumber the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel that too much are required from them. In this regard, to examine all his patients for the day the doctor hurries over his work without adequate attention and expertise to his clients. Still, at the end of the day he is exhausted.

In addition to this, the diagnosis and prescription depend on the doctor‟s memory and drug of choice. Their brains are often loaded with different diseases, signs and symptoms, complications and various drugs for their treatment and so on. Some of which are very similar. To remember and process these huge information in his clinical work is very tasking. For this reason accurate diagnosis and prescription may not always be obtained.

The keeping and retrieval of accurate records on patients are poorly carried out in most of our hospitals. Files may be misplaced; the record in them may be wrongly filled. Hence, it is not easy to obtain accurate and timely information or data.

This is also the case with obtaining other medical information and data especially when new folders and numbers are obtained each year.

Finally, the keeping of folder for each patient manually takes a lot of time and money and some of the information are redundant. All these have net effect of loss of lives and inefficiency on the part of management.


This study is centered on the following objectives.

  1. To examine the current procedures employed in our hospitals with regards to patients admission, diagnosis and treatment.
  2. To examine the associated problem(s) or flaws in the current system
  3. To improve on the already existing system by designing an efficient practical patient billing software, this is aimed at an accurate, faster and reliable patient‟s information system.

This research work is limited to patient‟s admission information system including treatments, bills and payments. The software developed will be carried out using Microsoft C# to manage the database.


This project covers all aspect of Medical system with regards to patient‟s information. Due to time and financial constraint, the software developed excluded laboratory units.


Several possible advantages to practical patient billing software System over paper records have been proposed which includes:

Reduction of cost

A vast amount of funds are allocated towards the health care industry. The computerized system is implemented, it will reduce the personnel cost.

Improve quality of care

The implementation of electronic health records (EHR) can help lessen patient sufferance due to medical errors and the inability of analysts to assess quality.

Promote evidence-based medicine

Computerized medical record provides access to unprecedented amounts of clinical data for research that can accelerate the level of knowledge of effective medical practices.

Realistically, these benefits may only be realized if the systems are interoperable and wide spread (for example, national or regional level) so that various systems can easily share information.

Record keeping and mobility

EHR systems have the advantages of being able to connect to many electronic medical record systems. In the current global medical environment, patients are shopping for their procedures.


Electronic Health Record– An electronic health record (EHR) (also electronic patient record (EPR) or computerized patient record) is an evolving concept defined as a systematic collection of electronic health information about individual patients or populations

INFORMATION – Information is data, or raw facts, shaped into useful form for human use.

SYSTEM – A system is a combination or arrangement of parts to form an integrated whole, working together to achieve specific tasks. A system includes an orderly arrangement according to some common principles or rules.

Subsystem – A complex system is difficult to comprehend when considered as a whole. Therefore, the system is decomposed or factored into subsystems. Subsystems constitute the entire system. They are complete systems on their own but exit in another system called the complex system. Subsystems can be further decomposed into smaller subsystems until the smallest subsystems are of manageable size. The subsystems resulting from this process generally form hierarchical structures. In the hierarchy, a subsystem is one of a supra-system (the system above it).

Expert system: is software that uses a knowledge base of human expertise for problem solving, or clarify uncertainties where normally one or more human experts would need to be consulted.

Hospital information system (HIS): variously also called clinical information system (CIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. This encompasses paper-based information processing as well as data processing machines.

MIS– Management Information System is the system that stores and retrieves information and data, process them, and present them to the management as information to be used in making decision. It can also be defined as an integrated machine system that provides information to support the planning and control functions of managers in all organizations. By these definitions, MIS must serve the basic functions of management, which include planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Information systems that only support operations and do not have managerial decision making significance is not part of MI

MCS– Management Control system is a form of Information System used by the management of an organization to analyze each application of information system in terms of input, storage, processing and output. The MCS has functional subsystems such as the hardware system, the operating system, the communication system and the database system. Management control systems are human artifacts. This means that MCS exits only because human beings design and build them.




Without the use of computerized system for medical system, I wonder what will be the stand of our economy today. Since, the implementation of this system does more good than harm in our country especially health sector. Hence not only does it provide good health with the help of the following factors, accuracy, flexibility, and speedy treatment. But, also it will be a big relief for medical doctors and nurses when attending to patients.

This project is well designed with reliability and efficiency as our mainstay, have come just in time to correct those weaknesses and anomalies, which exist in the existing manual method. The achievements made up this design can be summarized

  1. Result of high processing speed of the computerize system
  2. Patient‟s records can now be retrieved easily.
  3. Billing system in the hospital will be more effective.
  4. Similarly there is also an easy accesses to clinical reports for research purpose and decision making
  • Problems Encountered And Recommendations

During the processing of the project, I was faced with a lot of physical problems. These problems includes

I was seriously faced with the problem of data collection, which helps in building the manuscript. Because information they said is the tool of business so without solid data collection or material one finds it difficult to present a meaningful reports. So, inability to get materials on time really set my project back. Actually, it took me more than five months to gather enough information needed for this project.

Also for collection of data from my case study a lot of money is spent on transportation. Hence for one to be effective in this project, money must be involved.

Finally, the major limitations of this study were time, financial constraints and poor response by some medical doctors fearing that computers may take over the practice of medicine which in advance, they may lose their jobs. For this reason the researcher is recommending compulsory information technology training for all the medical practitioners to enable them cope with the current trend in information technology.

  • Conclusion

Based on the findings, the following conclusions were reached. The implementation of a patient billing software for a hospital will be a big relief for medical doctors and nurses when operational. The system can be a tremendous help to hospital management. It will also serve as a tool for quick operational decision making of the patient, thus enabling them to reach the solutions of their problem more quickly and more accurately than human being. Thus the overall effect of the use of computer in medical system is that patients acquire competence, accuracy, and effectiveness within the shortest time in their operations and can break into new ground with certainty.


Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System. (n.d.). UniTopics.


“Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System.” UniTopics, Accessed 22 February 2025.


“Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System.” UniTopics, Accessed February 22, 2025.


Here’s a typical structure for Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System research projects:

  • The title page of Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
  • The abstract of Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • The introduction of Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
  • Review existing research related to Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
  • The methodology section of Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
  • Present the findings of the Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
  • Interpret Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
  • Summarize the main findings of the Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System study and restate its significance.
  • List all the sources you cited in Design And Implementation Of Patient Management System project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).