This paper proposes energy efficient of intelligent solar street lighting system using low cost microcontroller based nodemcu32. The main objective is to design an intelligent streetlight for energy conservation in existing streetlights of rural area, urban area and exclusively for smart cities. The system consists of LED luminaire, LED driver, PV panel, charge controller, light sensor and nodemcu32. The intelligent solar streetlight is controlled on the basis on day/night time. The system is programmed to automatically turn off during the hours of daylight and only operate during the night and heavy raining or bad weather. Many times we see that street lights are remain switched ON even during day time, this is total of wastes of electricity while Nigeria is facing lack of electricity. Another problem is the traditional street lamp e.g. Sodium vapour, Metal halide, Incandescent, Fluorescent lamps consumes more power as compared to new advanced Led Lights. Streetlights can be operated free of cost by using automatic controlled, self- powered, efficient solar LED street light.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Aim and Objectives
1.41 Aim
1.42 Objectives
1.5 Scope
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Report Layout
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Review of Related Work
2.3 overview of LED lamps
2.4 Advantages of led street lights
2.5 Disadvantages of led street lights
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Design
3.3 Calculations
3.4 Circuit
3.5 Flowchart
3.6 Software Layout
4.1 Construction
4.2 Testing
4.3 Results
4.4 Discussions
4.5 Limitations
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Suggestions for Future Work
Additional results
- Introduction
Recent technological innovations have paved the way to the rebirth of street lights through solar powered ones. Solar street lights are raised outdoor light sources, which are powered by PV (photovoltaic) panels. These panels are mounted on the lighting structure or connected in the pole. PV panels have a rechargeable battery, providing power to the LED lamp during the entire night. Most of the solar panels automatically sense outdoor light through a light source. These can give off light on successive nights even when the sun’s energy is not available for a couple of days. An intelligent Solar Street Light uses solar panels during the day to charge the batteries, batteries provide light in the evening, without complex and expensive pipeline, adjustable lighting layout, safety and energy-saving and pollution-free, without manual operation is stable and reliable, saving electricity maintenance-free.
An intelligent Solar Street Light consists of LED lamp, solar lamps controller, batteries and lighting poles, as well as other parts. Solar cell module chosen monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon; LED light head adopts high power brand LED as a light source; Controller placed in the battery compartment with light control, time control, overcharge protection, reverse connection protection, more advanced controller has four seasons adjusted lights, half power capabilities, intelligent charge and discharge function; Specialized battery placed on the ground, to be used in valve-regulated lead-acid batteries, gel batteries, lithium iron aluminium batteries or batteries.
1.2 Motivation
It was the advantages of this system that has motivated us to carry out this project: This system turns on and turns off automatically by sensing outdoor light using a light source. Intelligent solar streetlights are designed to store energy during the day time and the stored energy to be used during the night. Intelligent solar streetlights installed in windy regions are generally equipped with flat panels to better cope with the winds. Also, the ON and OFF control of this device is done automatically using a photo sensor.
1.3 Problem Statement
Conventional street light requires constant maintenance, much external wiring, risk of electric shock and only work whenever there is power. Many times the operators of conventional street light will forget to switch off the street light that why occasionally we see that street lights are remain switched ON even during day time, this is total of wastes of electricity while Nigeria is facing lack of electricity. Another problem is the Conventional street light uses lamp such as Sodium vapour, Metal halide, Incandescent, Fluorescent lamps but these lambs consumes more power. These problems made it difficult for the users to use it and people have difficulties of late night movement. An intelligent solar street light was invented to overcome these problems. An intelligent solar street light requires much less maintenance compared to conventional street lights. Since external wires are eliminated, risk of accidents is minimized, electricity produced from solar panels is non-pollutive and it requires no human intervention for the ON and OFF control. Finally, intelligent solar street light uses Led Lights instead of electric lamps which makes it to consume less current.
1.4 Aim and Objectives
1.4.1 Aim
The main aim of the work is to build a renewable street light in which the control system is done automatically using a photosensor.
1.4.2 Objectives
The objectives of the work are:
- To eliminates human intervention for manual switching and control of the streetlight
- To save energy
- To replace harness solar energy which replaces the conventional solar supply
- To save cost of electric bill.
1.5 Scope
The scope of this work covers the design of an intelligent solar street light. This device uses panels to convert the solar power into electricity. It is also quick and easy to charge the batteries and the control is automatic. The automatic control of the device was achieved using photo sensor which eliminates human intervention for manual switching and control of the streetlight.
1.6 Methodology
To achieve the aim and objectives of this work, the following are the steps involved:
- Study of the previous work on the project so as to improve it efficiency.
- Draw a block diagram.
- Test for continuity of components and devices,
- Design of the device was carried out.
- Studying of various component used in circuit.
- Construction of the circuit was carried out. The construction of this project includes the placing of components on Vero boards, soldering and connection of components,
- Finally, the whole device was cased and final test was carried out.
1.7 Report Layout
The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work, chapter two presents the literature review of the study, chapter three describes the methods applied, chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.
2.1 Introduction
This section presents the conceptual and related literature from various entity where the study anchored upon to provide evidence and significant review of the topic grounded with the current study.
2.2 Review of Related Work
Hengyu et al (2010): proposed ‘The core technology of the street light control system is an AT89S52 single-chip microcomputer’. It integrates a power circuit, a fault detecting circuit, an infrared detecting circuit, an LCD display circuit, a photosensitive detection circuit, a street light control circuit, a pressed key control circuit and so on. This system can automatically turn on or off the lights and controls the switches according to traffic flow. It expands the fault detect circuit and the corresponding circuit. It also has a convenient and flexible button control circuit to switch on and off functions mentioned above. Main weakness is that it didn’t say anything about the working principle behind the system. It also said to use fault detection circuit which when damaged, causes the voltage to drop to zero, thereby creating a problem. Theoretic proof shows only simulation result but not as something that can be used in our daily lives.
Kalaiarasan (2011): deals with solar energy based street light with auto-tracking system for maximizing power output. In order to maximize the power output from the solar panels, one needs to keep panels aligned with the sun. As such a means of tracking the sun is required. This is a far most cost effective solution than purchasing additional solar panels. It has been estimated that the yield from solar panels can be increased by 30 to 60 percent by utilizing a tracking system instead of a stationary array. This paper describes an automatic tracking system that will keep the solar panels aligned with the sun in order to maximize efficiency. The sun tracking sensor is the sensing device, which senses the position of the sun time to time and gives the sensing output to the amplifier based on light density of the sun. Here the sun tracking sensor is LDR(light dependent resistor). The amplifier unit is used to amplify the LDR signals, which makes the low level signal into high level signals and this output is given to the comparator. The LM324 IC is used as an amplifier. Comparator compares the signals and gives the command to the AT89C51 microcontroller. The system presented in this paper will be an efficient method to use the solar energy in remote areas. This system consumes very low power and high efficient lightning. We employ the auto sun tracking system; this can improve the energy stored in battery. This system does not affect the environment because it is pollution free. The system also consists of automatic ON, OFF control of the LED lamp, so there is no manual operation.
Gong Siliang (2011): describes a remote streetlight monitoring system based on wireless sensor network. The system can be set to run in automatic mode, which controls streetlight according to Sunrise and Sunset Algorithm and light intensity. This control can make a reasonable adjustment according to the latitude, longitude and seasonal variation. Also this system can run in controlled mode. In this mode, we can control streetlights through a PC monitor terminal. In addition, the system integrates a digital temperature-humidity sensor, not only monitoring the streetlight real-time but also temperature and humidity. The system is equipped with the high- power relay output and can be widely applied in all places which need timely control such as streets, stations, mining, schools, and electricity sectors and so on. But in this work a wireless network for streetlight remote control is discussed. In particular, the novelty of the proposal is in the location awareness of nodes, which cannot self-localize themselves. Prototypes have been built using costly hardware. The capability of the ranging measurements (the basis for localization) is not shows some problems in the order of one meter. In near future, location aware routing algorithms will develop that will improve the efficiency of the network.
GustavoW.Denardin (2013): Street lighting system deals with a control network for a LED street lighting system. The use of LEDs is being considered to be a promising solution to modern street lighting systems, due to their longer lifetime, higher luminous efficiency and higher CRI. The proposed control network enables disconnection of the street lighting system from the mains during peak load time, reducing its impact in the distributed power system automatically decreasing the management cost and monitor the status information of each street lighting unit. Its network layer is implemented using geographic routing strategy, which provides slow overhead and high scalability features. However, due to well-known drawbacks of the existing techniques, a new routing algorithm is proposed. Simulations show that this algorithm leads to a significant improvement of routing performance when applied to large scale scenarios, which is, the case of street lighting system. The obtained experimental results show that the proposed control network is able to meet the requirements of a LED street lighting system. It mainly deals with safer roadways with intelligent light system to reduce power consumption. This system has automatic street light intensity control based on the vehicular movement and switching ON and OFF street lights depending on the light ambiance. This will help in reducing the power consumption during hours of meager road usage. The street light module is installed consequently for every certain distance. This paper also aims at reducing road accidents by detecting consumption of alcohol by the driver. This can be implemented using alcohol sensor module which contains skin sensor, breath alcohol sensor and proximity sensor. The skin sensor and breadth alcohol sensor detects the presence of alcohol content and the proximity sensor helps in detecting any kind of malpractice. The novelty of this paper is to effectively reduce the energy consumption of the street lights by controlling the street light’s intensity, sensing both human as well as vehicular movement and preventing injury and death caused by drunk drivers. However this method was too costly and ineffective to be applied on a large scale.
RadhiPriyasree (2014): explains a system to reduce the power consumption of street lights by avoiding inefficient lighting which wastes significant financial resources each year. This is done by dimming the lights during lighter traffic hours. For this purpose PIR sensors are used which detects any movement. This work aims at reducing the fatal crashes and road accidents caused due to alcohol consumption. This is done by using skin sensors placed in vehicle doors and also using breadth sensors inside the vehicles. By implementing this, death rates due to drunk driving can be reduced to a great extent. It aims at detecting consumption of alcohol by the driver and if it exceeds certain level it impairs the driver from entering into the Vehicle. The prototype has been not been implemented everywhere due to it’s impracticality.
S.H. Jeong (2014): describes the Development of Zigbee based Street Light Control System which control and monitor status of street lights installed alongside load. Lights are switched to ON/OFF by this system’s control command. Its local status information is also monitored by control system via communication channel. Status information monitored is on/off status information, control group status information and safety related information energy saving mode status, etc. To transfer control command and status information between street control terminals, various communication media and communication protocols are used. As communication media, wireless or power lines are used generally. Various frequency bands from tens of MHz to Rebrands are used for wireless case. This Street light control system can save maintenance time, costs and can improve safety level.
Somchai Hiranvarodom (2015): describes a comparative analysis of photovoltaic (PV) street lighting system in three different lamps. A low pressure sodium lamp, a high pressure sodium lamp and a fluorescent lamp had been installed. All three systems had been mounted with the same module type and wattage in different places within the Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thanyaburi district, Pathumthani province of Thailand. C ontrol circuit was experimentally done in this work. Protection of the battery from damage for deep discharge and overcharge by a controller was also considered. The life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is the appropriate method for comparing three different lamps. LCCA was based on the key assumptions (year 2002). The results of comparative analysis of the PV street lighting systems with a fluorescent lamp have been the appropriate system for installation in a typical rural area of Thailand when the cost of lamps, system performance and possibility for purchasing the components of the system have been considered. The results of this work can he stated that the average luminance in lux of the fluorescent lamp at design location, Pathumthani province of Thailand, has a highest value compared to the low- pressure sodium and high-pressure sodium. On the other hand, the lifetime of the fluorescent lamp has a shortest time compared to other lamps. Nevertheless, the aim of this work is to determine the appropriate system to install in a typical rural area or a typical rural village of Thailand when the cost of lamps and system performance and possibility for purchasing the components of the system are compared. while considering in other areas it is difficult.
Solar street luminaires can be in different types as listed in the following sub-sections.
2.2.1 Incandescent Lamp
Incandescent lamp is a pathway to achieving artificial light. It comprises of a filament made from a very thin strip of tungsten doubly coiled for reducing filament cooling and increasing the chances of producing large light output. The filament is normally enclosed in a glass tube filled with gases like nitrogen or argon to reduce the evaporating rate of the filament (Francis, 2013).
2.2.2 Discharge Lamps
Discharge lamp is another way of producing artificial light. Discharge lamps operate on the basis of the arc discharge. There is a constant arc between two electrodes that causes the filling to give light. This principle can be used with different metals and filler materials. The range includes metal halide lamps, sodium lamps and mercury vapor lamps. Almost all discharge lamps need control gear to ignite them and limit their current.
2.2.3 Metal Halide Lamps
The introduction of metals and iodides improves the color and luminous intensity of metal halide lamps. With their very short discharge arc, they come very close to the idea of a point light source, which means their light is very easy to focus exactly where needed, and they offer a high utilization factor (Yafaoui et al, 2017).
2.2.4 Gas Discharge Lamps
In this type, the aim is achieved by exciting a gas trapped in a glass casing. Unlike incandescent lamps, gas discharge lamps have no filament and do not produce light as a result of current passing through a solid. Rather, the atoms or molecules of the gas inside a glass or translucent ceramic tube, are ionized by an electric current through the gas or a radio frequency of the tube. This generates light which is usually either visible light or ultraviolet rays. The colour of the light depends on the mixture of gasses inside the tube as well as the pressure and type and amount of the electric current or radio frequency power (Yafaoui et al, 2017). An example is fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent lighting is achieved by passing current through a gas in a glass case. The gas is usually mercury vapour. When current passes through the mercury vapour, invisible ultraviolet rays are produced. The internal coating of the glass case helps transform the rays to visible light (Francis, 2013).
2.2.5 LED Lighting
LED lighting is another type of lighting. LED makes use of light emitting diode to produce light. LED is characteristic of low power consumption, high efficiency, long lifespan, superior light quality, high lumen maintenance, even light distribution and cost efficient (Francis, 2013). Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are a semiconductor technology with their application to general purpose lighting rapidly growing. LEDs have significant potential for energy savings. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconductor devices that convert electricity to light. LED lighting is also known as “solid state lighting” because the light is emitted from a solid object.
Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight. (n.d.). UniTopics. https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/design-and-construction-of-an-intelligent-solar-streetlight/
“Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight.” UniTopics, https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/design-and-construction-of-an-intelligent-solar-streetlight/. Accessed 22 February 2025.
“Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight.” UniTopics, Accessed February 22, 2025. https://www.unitopics.com/project/material/design-and-construction-of-an-intelligent-solar-streetlight/
Here’s a typical structure for Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight research projects:
- The title page of Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
- The abstract of Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- The introduction of Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
- Review existing research related to Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
- The methodology section of Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
- Present the findings of the Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
- Interpret Design And Construction Of An Intelligent Solar Streetlight results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
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