Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System.


This project is titled the design and construction of an automatic water level controller system. It is designed to control flow and pumping of water to over-head tank.

The Water Level Controller System is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump -set motor will control the operation of the pump- set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. It Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level (i.e. T2 level) in Overhead Tank, Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full (i.e. T1 level),Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in tank (i.e. S2 level), and Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the tank.

This work is aim at constructing an automatic water level controller that will control the flow and pumping of water in the overhead tank.


Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Content


1.0      Introduction

1.1      advantages of water level controller

1.2      features of water level controller


2.0      literature review

2.1      the concept of water level controller

2.2      Review of many logic probe circuit ideas



CHAPTER THREE: Specification and operation of system component              3.1          Description of  CD4001BP…………………………………………….12

3.2     Description of Resistor……………………………………………….   14

3.3     Description of Capacitor……………………………………………..   16

3.4     Description of Diode…………………………………………………   27

3.5     Description of Transformer …………………………………………… 32

3.6     Description of Loud Speaker and Buzzer……………………………… 41

3.7     Description of Transistor………………………………………………. 43

  1. 8 Description of L.E.D


4.0      constructions

4.1      circuit operation

4.2      circuit diagram

4.3      components requirement

4.4     working of automatic water level controller

4.5    components pin-out

4.6    power supply unit

4.7      power supply components


5.0      Result analysis

5.1      installation of the complete design

5.2      construction procedure and testing

5.3      casing and packaging

5.4      assembling of section

5.4      testing of system operation

5.5      problems encountered

5.6      cost analysis

5.7      description of components used


6.1      Conclusion

6.2      Recommendation

6.6      Bibliography



The Water Level Controller System is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump -set motor will control the operation of the pump- set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. It Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level in Overhead Tank, Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full ,Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in tank , and Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the tank.

Automatic water level controller circuit is a engineering project. It can automatically switch ON and OFF the domestic water pump set depending on the tank water level. You can implement this motor driver circuit at your home or college using less costly components. The main advantage of this water level controller circuit is that it automatically controls the water pump without any user interaction.

The automatic pump controller eliminates the need for any manual switching of pumps installed for the purpose of pumping water from a reservoir to an overhead tank. It automatically switches on the pump when the water level in the tank falls below a certain low level, provided the water level in the reservoir is above a certain level . Subsequently, as the water level in the tank rises to an upper level (M), the pump switched off automatically. The pump is turned on again only when the water level again falls below level in the tank, provided the level in the reservoir is above R. This automated action continues.


Advantages of automatic intruder are as follows:

  • Suitability : These water level controllers are ideally suited for normal water as well as for ultra low conductivity water with less than 1 micro/moh.
  • Easy to Operate : this systems come fitted with sensitivity setting which can be provided externally on a dial or with internal settings.
  • Settings : It is equipped with technology which works on low or high sensitivity settings on the same machine and thereby saves costs of buying and using two different machines.
  • Materials of Construction : this water control system is  protected the against corrosion.
  • Safety : This system is highly insulated, leakage proof and works without creating any noise.
  • Save roofs
  • Save water
  • Save electricity


1)   Automatic Water Level Controller (AWLC) will automatically START the pump set as soon as the water level falls below the predetermined level (usually kept half or 2/3rd tank) and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set as soon as tank is full or water level in the lower tank is at below minimum level.
2)   This system provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the water levels for operations of pump set in upper/lower tanks.
3)   Built in Indications for showing Full, Empty Levels in Upper Tank and Lower Tank Empty Indication.
4)   Manual operation switch for special operations like watering the plants from pump set.
5)   The system ensures no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves electricity and water.
6)   Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation.


CHAPTER TWO2.0 LITERATURE REVIEWThis page reviews all types of water controller and the design of the 555 timer as written below:Automatic Water Level Controller Cum Indicator
Automatic water level controller cum indicator saves water and protects motor and reduces electricity bill.
Automatic water level controller cum indicator is an electronic gadget called (Motor Controlled Automatically on the Basis of liquid W.R. to Sump and Overhead Tank). Our Automatic water level controller cum indicator is manufactured under the name – LIAMOCON. LIAMOCON takes the responsibility of a man who switching On/Off the motor. Our Automatic water level controller cum indicator serves 24 hours water supply without letting the overhead tank to become dry.
LIAMOCON switches on the motor if:   1)The water in overhead tank falls to prefixed low level i.e., below 75%, 50%, 25% as adjusted. 2)The sump is full irrespective of any levels in the overhead tank at once when power comes. 3) Soft touch needed in case we need to switch on the motor irrespective of any level in the overhead tank. 4) The switch is in manual positionLlAMOCON switches off the motor for the following reasons:1)    Liquid reaches maximum level in the overhead tank. 2)There is a low or high voltage. 3) Liquid in the sump goes below foot valve or as prefixed low level. Liquid does not flowing to the overhead tank, The switch is in off position, Fuse blown offTechnical Support:
Input voltage: 230 Volts AC 50 Hz,Power consumption: 2.5 Watts (approx.),
Relay contact rating: One N/O potential free contact rated at 10 Amps at 230 Volts, Trip time delay: 65 Sec. in case of priming fault
Working voltage: Motor trips if voltage > 250 or < 160 AC
Power on delay: 45 Seconds even in Voltage Fluctuations
Auto / Manual: Enables operation of motor.
Dimensions (mm): 230 x 150 x 63 (l x B x H) Over all Panel Mounting
Front Facia Of Liamocon

  • Shows clear indication of water levels in the overhead tank and sump tank
  • Shows voltage variation if any in the left bottom corner, it shows green indicator for normal voltage, higher red light indicates high voltage and lower red light indicates low voltage
  • Has an easy operatable AUTO-MANUAL feather switch
  • Green indicates AUTO Mode, Orange indicates MANUAL Mode and Red indicates dry running of motor
  • Soft touch ‘NEED’ in case to switch on the motor irrespective of any level in the overhead tank
  • Soft touch ‘SILENCE’ for silencing alarm
  • Blinking green light indicates liquid flow to overhead tank
  • Red indication with beeping sound for overflowing of water from overhead tank
  • Side Leap switch enables to power on arid off Direct on for motor
    Gives Alarm:
    1. When there is a voltage fluctuation
    2. When the motor is dry running due to foot valve blockage or priming fault in motor
    3. When water overflows from the overhead tank at ‘MANUAL’ mode
    Applications:Automatic Water level Controller is for Hotels, Factories, Homes Apartments, Commercial Complexes, Drainages, etc., It can be fixed for single phase motor, Single Phase Submersibles, Three Phase motors. (For 3Æ and Single Phase Submersible Starter is necessary) and open well, Bore well and Sump. We can control two motor and two sumps and two overhead tanks by single unit (Auto Change Over). Many models available in different ranges.


The Water Level Controller System is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump-set motor will control the operation of the pump-set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks.
Advanced Automatic “water level controller” unit Manufactured by M.V.Instruments is a Microprocessor based Electronic Device. This system when electrically connected to an Pump-set starter, performs the following functions automatically:

  • Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level (i.e. T2 level) in Overhead Tank.
  • Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full (i.e. T1 level).
  • Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in Sump/Well/Borewell (i.e. S2 level).
  • Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the Sump/ Well / Bore-well (i.e. S1 level).
  • Switches OFF the Pump-set when there is a Dry run (i.e. when Water is not being pumped into Overhead Tank due to any reason).
  • Low Voltage and High Voltage Protection for the Pump-set is incorporated.
  • The system has Surge Voltage/Current Protection for the Pump-set.
  • All these functions are automatically performed. Manual interference is absolutely not required.
  • Manual operation is also possible if and when required by operating the switch in Manual Position.

Logic probe is useful tool to measure, in check digital circuits. As a meter, this is used to measure power in electrical circuits. Logic probe was used for detection logic “1″ and “0″ or pulse in a digital circuit. It has a handle. At the head of a pin, for measuring different parts of the circuits, or IC pin. At handle has a state of the LED display, as a “1″ or “0″ or pulse. Before use, to connect the two wires to pinch the power supply. To power the internal circuitry. Can be used with TTL and CMOS.I compiled the logic probe types, You can create it yourself is not hard to follow.

1. Logic Digital Tester by LM324

This is Logic Digital Tester Circuit. It uses the level input about 5V and use the integrated circuit LM324. Be Main Part electronics perform Drive All LED. Then use Current very low about 10mA by have potentiometer be formed fine the value threshold give just right with the level logic digital both of 3 the level that use by LED1(Green) be the level high and LED2(Red) Be the level LOW and The LED3(Yellow) be the level High IMR . The detail is other please see in the circuit please sir.

2. Mini Logic probe with transistor circuit

This is a Logic probe circuit is one,That is suitable for checking the voltage levels in the TTL circuit. It receives from the circuit being tested.Shows how high or low logic level one.
The circuit when the input voltage to the probe Tip is higher than 2.1 volts (state logic “high”).Transistor Q1 will run the light emitting diodes (LED) LED1 receive direct bias will come out shining. Show the logic “high”(high). When the collector voltage of Q1 running it will fall.and Since the input entered at the end of probe is connected to one end of resistors R4, joint base / emitter of transistor Q2. and Light emitting diode LED2 will get back to bias Q2 and LED2 does not work.
If the input voltage to the late Four home changed to 0 volts (low-level Logistics c), then Q1 is not the current bias is not working.

3. Temple three state logic ic CD4001

The work of the circuit be the circuit will use not gate IC in show supervision. In case of still have no input signal come in be liberate input pin of IC1/1 float keep. Which make have impedance very many, which have no LED anything shine come out.In first condition, If input that come in be “0″ IC1/1 will get back to the position gives output be “1″ make , LED1 switch off . But LED2 the bright condition that pin 5 of IC1/2 be “1″ make pin 7 of IC1/2 be “0″ all the time cause IC1/3 and IC1/4 work give pin 11 of IC1/4 be “0″ make LED3 the bright.
If gush up that come in be “1″ IC1/1 as a result will get back to the position gives output go out be “0″ make LED1 bright the part LED2 switch off IC1/2 receive input be “0″ cause IC1/2 IC1/3 work be frequency signal generator circuit give IC1/4 for current driver give LED3 make LED3 flasher. But if input be pulse signal come in which have signal entireness low and high alternate make LED1 and LED2 stick alternate go to follow the speed of pulse that come in and LED3 condemn bright all the time.

4. LED status TTL logic high low circuit

This is a cycle high or low status of the digital logic signal. Since the 5V power supply is ideal for TTL digital And the circuit to clearly display text. Is easy to see the value.
Operation of the circuit is in normal state or input into Low. And it IC1 to a High state to stimulate Q1 to work with the pressure to drop across R2. That the diodes D1,D2, D3, and connect the LED 7 Segment to display the letter “L” out. If the input is marked High, it makes IC1 return status is Low the Q1 does not work, but will flow from the input through R5, R6 entry. 7 Segment and through R3, R4, D4, D5 to 7 Segment as well. the 7 Segment display letters “H” up. and the cycle will have a resistor R7 is connected with to help reduce the current flow to LED 7 Segment. It prevents damage crash.note: the long time ago I build this circuit with IC TTL 74LS47, but now I can not but this one so I apply to this circuit is very simple and cheap as well.5. Logic probe by IC 4050

When you learn digital circuit necessary tool for check logic of the digital. May flee don’t pass Logic probe for extremely amateur type our electronics emphasize economize keep before. I has interesting circuit comes to present be Logic probe by IC 4050 by pillar equipment be IC CMOS 4050 or CD4050 or LM4050. Be the integrated circuit gate buffer logic. I uses just one part or 1/6 only. From the circuit LED stick bright when input = logic low only.6. Voice logic probe by transistor BC557

The key is that the logic probe circuit, using a light emitting diode, or LED display is a state (high or low) point of the analysis, but on the other hand, it can display the state has the same voice.
The circuit is shown, it is the audio source, click the tiny speaker with a repetition rate (fast or slow) Is Low status and low costs, high.
The two-transistor circuit (No. BC548 and BC557), the Multi vibrator is a simple astable. One with a 100 kohm resistor and 10 uF capacitor determines the repetition rate, the speaker serves as a load transistor BC557, is in the collection of it Peter, the negative voltage.
BC547 transistor and a resistance of 10 kilo ohms in parallel with a resistor 100 kilo ohms, the Four home inspection when conditions appear to have Carlo Magic high state (high) BC547 will work, the repetition rate increases,.


Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System.. (n.d.). UniTopics.


“Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System..” UniTopics, Accessed 23 February 2025.


“Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System..” UniTopics, Accessed February 23, 2025.


Here’s a typical structure for Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. research projects:

  • The title page of Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
  • The abstract of Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • The introduction of Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
  • Review existing research related to Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System., identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
  • The methodology section of Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
  • Present the findings of the Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
  • Interpret Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
  • Summarize the main findings of the Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. study and restate its significance.
  • List all the sources you cited in Design And Construction Of An Automatic Water Level Controller System. project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).