Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System


The main purpose behind this project is “Drunk driving detection”. Now a days, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunk driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car. This project should be fitted / installed inside the vehicle.

The main unit of this project is an “Alcohol sensor”. If the person inside car has consumed alcohol then it is detected by the sensor. Sensor gives this signal to a comparator IC. The output of comparator is connected to the microcontroller. Microcontroller is the heart of this project. It is the CPU of the complete circuit. Microcontroller gives high pulse to the buzzer circuit and the buzzer is turned on. At the same time a relay is turned off. Due to this the ignition of the car is deactivated.





























4.4     TESTING






1.1                                           BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

The Nigerian government has been advising its citizens not to drink and drive for decades, but for the first time, it may be able to physically stop you from getting behind the wheel while hammered.

The main purpose behind this project is “Drunk driving detection”. Now a days, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunk driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car. Alcohol breath analyzer project should be fitted / installed inside the vehicle.

The main unit of this project is an “Alcohol sensor”. If the person inside car has consumed alcohol then it is detected by the sensor. Sensor gives this signal to a comparator IC. The output of comparator is connected to the microcontroller. Microcontroller is the heart of this project. It is the CPU of the complete circuit. Microcontroller gives high pulse to the buzzer circuit and the buzzer is turned on. At the same time a relay is turned off. Due to this the ignition of the car is deactivated.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

Nowadays major accidents occur on road because of increase in traffic and rash or asleep driving of the drivers. Several accidents occur attributable to consumption of alcohol. So alcohol dinked driving is additionally vital reason for accident happens. The alcohol detection in-car system is supposed for the cover of humans seating within the car and in several things, would like the auto and police authority isn’t hip in time. Because of this kind of accident, the help given to the sufferer is delayed.

1.3                                             OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

The objective of this work is design a drunken driving detecting device, which detects the percentage of alcohol and displays the same on an LCD display. It also sounds an alarm if the amount of alcohol exceeds a particular amount.

1.4                                                  PROJECT MOTIVATION

There is such a large amount of car users who drove a car with Consumption of alcohol, which is the reason for a most of car accidents. Also once Associate in an accident occurs at non-residential place or highways, in this condition most important is to offer primary aid (healing) service to injured human by the support of ambulance. So it was also necessary to include accident detection as well as location detection and this info given to the nearest police/ ambulance emergency service center help of wireless media like SMS (Short Message Service). This can help to reduce the number of accidents occur due to alcohol drunk consumption. In several car accidents there is a possibility of fire. Therefore during this dangerous situation to save individuals people life with the help of fire fighting blower to stop fire yet as data given to the nearest, police station, fire brigade and ambulance emergency service center. Proper seat belt detection is better than traditional seat belt detection. Sometimes there is a possibility of misuses safety harness lock using directly attach of extra safety harness buckle without pull of safety harness by a driver. Therefore car system detects attach the safety belt. By reducing this sort of misuse of safety harness detection within the vehicle, therefore necessary to detect correct seat belt.

1.5                                              PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT

The main purpose behind this project is “Drunk driving detection”. Thus Drunk driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car.

1.6                                         APPLICATIONS OF THE PROJECT

Applications of Alcohol Detector in Car:

1) “Alcohol Detector project” can be used in the various vehicles for detecting whether the driver has consumed alcohol or not.

2) Breathing analyser project can also be used in various companies or organization to detect alcohol consumption of employees. Alcohol detection system in an automobile is a must feature which every car or bus should have.

1.7                                         SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

“Alcohol Detection System in Cars” provides an automatic safety system for cars and other vehicles as well.

The sensors can also aid an officer in the detection of alcohol during a stop, not to replace other more reliable and effective testing methods. This equipment helps provide law enforcement with tools to develop initial suspicion of someone breaking the law. Because they lack the precision of other tests and can detect alcohol from sources other than the suspected impaired driver

1.8                                          ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT

  1. To prevent accident due to drunk and driving.
  2. Easy and efficient to test the alcohol content in the body.
  3. Quick and accurate results.
  4. Helpful for police and provides and automatic safety systems for cars and other vehicles as well.

1.9                                                         PROJECT ORGANIZATION

The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work,   chapter two presents the literature review of the study,  chapter three describes the methods applied,  chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.


2.0                                                    LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1                                          REVIEW OF ALCOHOL SENSING

Workers use their hands, eyes, and feet to control the factory machines; but their hands, eyes, and feet must be controlled by their brains. Safe driving requires alertness and the ability to make quick decisions in rapidly changing situations. Drinking alcohol can have a profound effect on working skills. For example, drinking can have a negative effect on any of these skills:

  • Reaction Time – Alcohol can slow reflexes, which can decrease the ability to react swiftly to changing situations.
  • Vision – Alcohol can slow eye muscle function, alter eye movement, and alter visual perception, possibly resulting in blurred vision. Night vision and color perception also can be impaired.
  • Tracking – Alcohol can decrease the ability to judge the machine’s position when working,
  • Concentration – Alcohol may cause attention to operating to decrease and/or drowsiness to occur.
  • Comprehension – Alcohol can hinder the ability to make rational decisions
  • Coordination – Reduced eye/hand/foot coordination can be caused by drinking too much alcohol.

It is estimated that more than 10,000 young people in the United States are killed and 40,000 are injured in factory accidents when alcohol is involved. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates more than 26,000 lives have been saved since the drinking age was increased to 21.

2.2                                               REVIEW OF ALCOHOL USE

Two specific kinds of drinking behavior significantly contribute to the level of work-performance problems:  drinking right before or during working hours (including drinking at lunch and at company functions), and heavy drinking the night before that causes hangovers during work the next day.

And it isn’t just alcoholics who can generate problems in the workplace.  Research has shown that the majority of alcohol-related work-performance problems are associated with nondependent drinkers who may occasionally drink too much — not exclusively by alcohol-dependent employees.



  • Workers with alcohol problems were 2.7 times more likely than workers without drinking problems to have injury-related absences.
  • A hospital emergency department study showed that 35 percent of patients with an occupational injury were at-risk drinkers.
  • Breathalyzer tests detected alcohol in 16% of emergency room patients injured at work.
  • Analyses of workplace fatalities showed that at least 11% of the victims had been drinking.
  • Large federal surveys show that 24% of workers report drinking during the workday at least once in the past year.
  • One-fifth of workers and managers across a wide range of industries and company sizes report that a coworker’s on- or off-the-job drinking jeopardized their own productivity and safety.

2.4                                             BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT

Drinking enough alcohol to cause a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.03%-0.12% typically causes a flushed, red appearance in the face and impaired judgment and fine muscle coordination. A BAC of 0.09% to 0.25% causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and blurred vision. A BAC from 0.18% to 0.30% causes profound confusion, impaired speech (e.g., slurred speech), staggering, dizziness and vomiting. A BAC from 0.25% to 0.40% causes stupor, unconsciousness, anterograde amnesia, vomiting and respiratory depression (potentially life-threatening). A BAC from 0.35% to 0.80% causes a coma (unconsciousness), life-threatening respiratory depression and possibly fatal alcohol poisoning.

A breathalyzer is a device for estimating BAC from a breath sample. It was developed by inventor Robert Frank Borkenstein and registered as a trademark in 1954, but many people use the term to refer to any generic device for estimating blood alcohol content . With the advent of a scientific test for BAC, law enforcement regimes moved from sobriety tests (e.g., asking the suspect to stand on one leg) to having more than a prescribed amount of blood alcohol content while working. However, this does not preclude the simultaneous existence and use of the older subjective tests in which police officers measure the intoxication of the suspect by asking them to do certain activities or by examining their eyes and responses. BAC is most conveniently measured as a simple percent of alcohol in the blood by weight. Research shows an exponential increase of the relative risk for a crash with a linear increase of BAC as shown in the illustration. BAC does not depend on any units of measurement. In Europe it is usually expressed as milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. However, 100 milliliters of blood weighs essentially the same as 100 milliliters of water, which weighs precisely 100 grams. Thus, for all practical purposes, this is the same as the simple dimensionless BAC measured as a percent. The per mille (promille) measurement, which is equal to ten times the percentage value, is used in Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Depending on the jurisdiction, BAC may be measured by police using three methods – blood, breath, or urine. For law enforcement purposes, breath is the preferred method, since results are available almost instantaneously. The validity of the testing equipment/methods and mathematical relationships for the measurement of breath and blood alcohol have been criticized. Improper testing and equipment calibration is often used in defense of a DUI or DWI. There have been cases in Canada where officers have come upon a suspect who is unconscious after an accident and officers have taken a blood sample.

working while consuming alcohol may be illegal within a jurisdiction. In some it is illegal for an open container of an alcoholic beverage to be in working compactment or in some specific area of that compartment. There have been cases of workers being convicted of a DUI when they were not observed working after being proven in court they had been working while under the influence.

In the case of an accident, assets insurance may be automatically declared invalid for the intoxicated operator or factory, i.e. the drunk worker is fully responsible for damages. In the American system, a citation for working under the influence also causes a major increase in asset insurance premiums.

The German model serves to reduce the number of accidents by identifying unfit workers and removing them from until their fitness to drive has been established again. The Medical Psychological Assessment (MPA) works for a prognosis of the fitness for drive in future, has an interdisciplinary basic approach and offers the chance of individual rehabilitation to the offender.


Several different methods are available for alcohol testing. Alcohol test can be done via blood draw, breath, urine or saliva and recently hairs.

Blood Alcohol Testing

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is considered to be the standard for measuring the degree to which an individual is impaired by alcohol. For years, studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the blood alcohol concentration and the degree to which reactions and judgments are impaired. The methodology used for blood alcohol testing is Gas Chromatography and is the most accurate forensic quality test in the industry today. However, drawing blood is an invasive and expensive procedure that most companies prefer to avoid.

Breath Alcohol Testing

It is well proven that there is a direct correlation between a person’s blood alcohol concentration and his breath alcohol contents. During respiration, gas is exchanged from the lungs to the blood- primarily oxygen during inhalation, and C02 during exhalation. During this exchange, alcohol in the blood vaporized and crosses the lungs membrane into the exhaled breath. There are several types of breath alcohol testing devices available today. These range from disposable screening testers to the equipment that provides legally admissible test results, or devices ideal for screening purpose by companies as well as individuals. These types of testers fall into three categories:

  • Evidential Breath Testing Devices, usually a table top equipment
  • Non Evidential or Screening Only Devices, Usually Portable/Hand Held
  • Disposable Devices For Forensic and Non Forensic testing

The evidential breath testing devices

This devices are generally expensive,  require routine calibration maintenance, and costly repairs. Calibration, and operation of this class of devices require specially trained and certified personnels. Attachments such as sterile mouthpieces must be used each time a test is performed. These alcohol breathalyzer units are large table top machines calibrated for use in one location. Movement and environmental changes can effect the calibration parameters and settings which calls for recalibration.

The Portable Hand Held Detector

provide fairly accurate test results suitable for screening purposes. By measuring the alcohol content in the breath, a reliable indication of the blood alcohol level is achieved. Portables devices are less accurate than evidential devices, however by comparing the cost performance ratio, these devices are affordable and sufficient for personal and corporate screening use. Most potable devices are not evidential and not admissible in the court of law.

The Disposable Devices

are noninvasive, and non scalable methods of screening for alcohol. Can be used to detect the presence of alcohol with an estimate to the degree of impairment. Being disposable, they are the safest way of testing for alcohol. The disposable devices operate based on a known chemical reaction that is highly sensitive to alcohol and less sensitive to other gases. Unlike the semiconductor based alcohol testers, the disposable devices are less likely to produce a false positive result.

The disposable breathalyzer test is an accurate way to measure BAC. The breathalyzer test analyzes the ethyl alcohol in the blood that escapes through the lung tissues into the exhaled breath. The presence of ethyl alcohol in the breath is detectable by a color change of very sensitive chemically coated crystals encapsulated in the tester. Immediately prior to use, the ampule is ruptured by slight finger pressure on the outer flexible and tube to release the crystals within the confines of the ampule. When the subject exhales through the tube, crystals reacts to the breath alcohol molecules and change color from yellow to White/greenish blue (aqua) if alcohol is present. If all the crystals change color completely from yellow to light blue or white to many eyes, it indicates that the subject’s blood alcohol level is exceeding the tester preset threshold level indicated on the label.).02, .04, .05, or .08% BrAC.

Urine Alcohol Testing

Although urine alcohol testing will indicate the presence of alcohol in a person’s body, it will not indicate an individual’s current condition. Once consumed, alcohol enters the blood through the stomach wall within 15 minutes, causing immediate impairment. It is then metabolized by the liver enzyme and, after 1½ to 2 hours, it will begin to show up in the urine. Therefore, urine alcohol does not measure a true condition of the person. The results indicate the person’s condition several hours before.

Additionally, urine alcohol concentration does not directly correspond to blood alcohol concentration. Urine alcohol level varies depending on the person’s metabolism and the amount of fluid in his system. For instance, a person who is slightly dehydrated will tend to have a higher alcohol concentration in his urine than someone who has a normal level of fluid in his system.

At least one study has indicated that a false positive for urine alcohol can occur. High levels of sugar and acetone in the body can cause fermentation in the urine, creating a false positive for urine alcohol. All things considered, the urine alcohol test is the least preferred or perhaps accurate method available for alcohol testing.

3.0                                                        METHODOLOGY

3.1                                              SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM

Before carrying out any project, the block diagram must be drawn and fully understood. Block diagram gives a pictorial understanding of any work. The block


Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System. (n.d.). UniTopics.


“Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System.” UniTopics, Accessed 22 February 2025.


“Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System.” UniTopics, Accessed February 22, 2025.


Here’s a typical structure for Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System research projects:

  • The title page of Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
  • The abstract of Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • The introduction of Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
  • Review existing research related to Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
  • The methodology section of Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
  • Present the findings of the Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
  • Interpret Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
  • Summarize the main findings of the Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System study and restate its significance.
  • List all the sources you cited in Design And Construction Of An Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).