Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation


Wireless control is very important in household application, it brings about comfort when controlling and operating household appliances. It makes life easy while trying to make switching operation of appliances. In this work, the design and construction of a wireless control for household application was carried out in this work.

Basically the unit employs a very fundamental principle of converting the ringtone of a cell phone into a command output for operating a relay.

This cell phone acts as a modem and is permanently attached with the internal control circuit of the unit. The modem cell phone is initially made ready by putting a SIM card inside it and by configuring the essential assigned numbers into its phone directory.

These assigned numbers are the only numbers to which this modem responds. Therefore you would want to assign only those numbers through which you may like to make a call to the “system”. When the modem cell phone is called through these assigned numbers, the modem ring tone becomes active and this ring tone is applied to the control circuit and is processed for operating a relay and the connected load.


1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

In the last decade, mobile phone was only used to make and receive call wirelessly but as technology is advancing other applications emerged. Now mobile phones can be used to trigger their greatest revolution: by allowing us to run our homes remotely. If you are heading home early on a sunny day to your house driving through traffic, your mobile phone can be used to switch on your central air conditioner at the touch of a keypad or even turn on your water heater system on a cold night preparing yourself for a warm shower. Fitted to a kitchen wall, the unit will communicate with tiny transponders attached to air conditioners, fridges, washing machines, microwave ovens and household appliances.

A cell (mobile) phone acts as a modem for the control of electrical home appliances. This is achieved when the mobile phone number is dialed and an appropriate command button is pressed. The paper demonstrates how to develop a system that aids the control of remote devices using mobile phones to enable devices without infrared though connected to power sources to be controlled and considering the possibility of users to monitor the status and usage of these devices.

This device is a universal device and can be used for operating all types of electrical gadgets from any part of the globe, just by making a single blank call to the systems number.

The system will faithfully respond to every call made from your cell phone and will alternately switch the connected load ON and OFF as per your instructions.

This device unit employs a very fundamental principle of converting the ringtone of a cell phone into a command output for operating a relay.

This cell phone acts as a modem and is permanently attached with the internal control circuit of the unit. The modem cell phone is initially made ready by putting a SIM card inside it and by configuring the essential assigned numbers into its phone directory.

These assigned numbers are the only numbers to which this modem responds. Therefore you would want to assign only those numbers through which you may like to make a call to the “system”.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

Most homes make use of many electrical and electronics appliances such as the television set, standing fan, ceiling fan, air conditioner, lighting bulbs, video players, radio, etc. All these appliances require switching to turn on and turn off these appliances traditionally. This manual switching of any home appliance is an inconvenient method for physically disabled or elderly or even for the young and busy individuals when frequent switching operation is required. Thus, an easier method of switching is developed to replace this manual switching method, using an advanced switching method for electronic home appliances.

The early wired remotes made possible for users to control appliances at a distance, but the wired remote also limited the user’s mobility by either tethering or tripping the users. If the user ran the remote control’s cord under the rugs and furniture, effectively anchoring the device to one location in the room, the remote thereby limits the freedom of movement for which it was designed to provide. But if the cord is left out in the open, the users might stumble over it. The wireless remote control solved all these challenges of the wired remote control and effectively takes control of the household. The use of remote to restore order to the household, changes life style; brings multi-function and multi-platform lives easy.

1.2                                             OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

The objective of this project is to develop a device that enables users to remotely control their home appliances and systems using a cell phone-based interface.  This is achieved by assigning numbers to the load. When the modem cell phone is called through these assigned numbers, the modem ring tone becomes active and this ring tone is applied to the control circuit and is processed for operating a relay and the connected load.

1.2                                              PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT

The main purpose of this project is to provide a wireless means of controlling the switching of household appliances easy  for the elderly, physically challenged, the young and anyone who in any circumstance need comfort and security

1.3                                                 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

This device allows for a user to remotely control and monitor multiple home appliances using a cellular phone. This system will be a powerful and flexible tool that will offer this service at any time, and from anywhere with the constraints of the technologies being applied. Possible target appliances include (but are not limited to) climate control systems, security systems, and lights; anything with an electrical interface.

1.4                                            OPERATING ENVIRONMENT

The control system will include two separate units: the cellular phone, and the control unit. There will therefore be two operating environments. The cellular phone will operate indoors and outdoors whereas the control unit will operate indoors within the temperature and humidity limits for proper operation of the hardware.

1.5                                          LIMITATIONS OF THE PROJECT

The following is a list of limitations for the project.

i.        The only person who can communicate with the control module is the person who will be successfully authenticated.

ii.      Only devices with electrical controlling input ports will be possible targets for control.

iii.    The appliances must have a power source (220vac) attached at all times.

iv.   The proposed device must be used for operating only the common household electrical systems and parameters. The proposed cell phone operated switch must never be used for any other intentions or purpose whatsoever.

1.7                                         APPLICATIONS OF THE PROJECT

This project can be used in Industries. it can employed in houses, where people often forget to switch off electrical appliances. This system can be used to control AC’s to set the room temperature when we are outside.  This project can also be used in shops and offices.

1.8                                         SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

Home Appliance Control using Mobile Phone can be used to turn ON / OFF the devices and various appliances in our home. It can prove very useful for disabled people. User has to dial a call to the mobile which is connected to the project. Then user has to press various keys to control the devices. In this work:

  1. Quick response is achieved.
  2. Construction is easy.
  • Easy to maintain and repair.
  1. Comparatively the operation cost is less.
  2. Design is efficient and low cost.
  3. Power consumption is low.
  • Controlling electrical devices wirelessly
  • Saves electricity (when we left our appliances ON).
  1. We can control appliances from any place round the globe.
  2. No coding is required.
  3. The biggest advantage of the GSM cellphone remote control circuit is that, any cheap NOKIA cell phone can be used here as the modem and therefore there’s no fear of the modem becoming obsolete

1.8                                                        METHODOLOGY

To achieve the aim and objectives of this work, the following are the steps involved:

  1. Study of the previous work on the project so as to improve it efficiency.
  2. Draw a block diagram.
  • Test for continuity of components and devices,
  1. Design and calculation for the changeover was carried out.
  2. Studying of various component used in circuit.
  3. Construct a changeover circuit.
  • Finally, the whole device was cased and final test was carried out.

1.9                                       PROJECT ORGANISATION

The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work,   chapter two presents the literature review of the study,  chapter three describes the methods applied,  chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.


Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation. (n.d.). UniTopics.


“Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation.” UniTopics, Accessed 7 March 2025.


“Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation.” UniTopics, Accessed March 7, 2025.


Here’s a typical structure for Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation research projects:

  • The title page of Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
  • The abstract of Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • The introduction of Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
  • Review existing research related to Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
  • The methodology section of Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
  • Present the findings of the Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
  • Interpret Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
  • Summarize the main findings of the Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation study and restate its significance.
  • List all the sources you cited in Design And Construction Of A Tele-Trigger Based Home Automation project, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).