The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools

In Ilorin South Local Government Area Of Kwara State


          This study aimed to investigated the impact of school records on the Administration of senior Secondary schools in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State. This study made use of so respondents who were randomly selected from the chosen schools used as samples. Questionnaire was used as the major instrument for gathering data for the study. Simple percentage was used to analyse the data collected. Hence, the study also examined the impact of school records on the performance of students (b) effect of records in school management (c) problem Associated with records keeping in senior secondary schools. The records keeping in  the school system is very important. That records have to be kept especially the register to determine how regular and punctual students are on daily basis and teachers need to keep records or files of the students, continuous assessments and examination as to monitor the students performance. The study was carried out with four (4) research questions and three (3) hypothesis. From the reactions of the respondents, the following two major findings were made. There are so many problems associated with records keeping management in secondary school system. That through various ideal administrative practices and strategies, there will be wholistic improvement on records keeping in school system. in view of those findings, it was recommended that principals and teachers should employ ideal administrative practices and strategies to improve on records keeping management in secondary school system towards ensuring valid and reliable school information.   


Title page                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                                   iv

Abstract                                                                                  vi

Table of content                                                                      vii


Background to the Study                                                                  1

Statement of the problem                                                        6

Objective of the study                                                             6

Research questions                                                                           7

Hypothesis                                                                                        8

Significance  of the study                                                                  9

Scope and limitation of the study                                            9

Definition of terms                                                                  10


Introduction                                                                                      11

Types and significant of records in senior secondary schools 11

Impact of school records on the performance of students                 25

Effect of records in school management                                  32

Problem associated with records keeping in schools               37

Theoretical framework                                                            40

Review of Empirical studies                                                    45

Summary of Review of the Related literature                          49


Introduction                                                                                      51

Research Design                                                                      52

Population                                                                               52

Sample and sampling procedure                                             52

Research instrument                                                                53

Validity of the instrument                                                       53

Reliability of the instrument                                                    53

Method of Data Administration and Data Collection              54

Method of data analysis                                                          54


Data presentation and analysis                                                         55


Summary                                                                                 65

Conclusion                                                                              67

Recommendation                                                                     69

References                                                                               72

Appendices                                                                             75



  • Background to the Study

Secondary education is defined in the Nigeria context as the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary education (IPE, 1998).

Secondary school is the second stage of children education after primary. It is a post primary school level of education where children between 12 -18 years attain to prepare themselves for tertiary education and other life professional, Challenges Secondary school in the history of Nigerian education system has come to stay as the basic education for youths.

The broad goals of secondary education, according to the policy document is to prepare the individual for useful living within the society, and higher education. In specific terms, secondary education provides all primary school leavers with the opportunity for education of a higher level, irrespective of sex, social status, religion or ethnic background.

There are stated aims of senior secondary education in Nigeria. And for these to be achieved certain mechanisms must be properly put in place. One of these mechanisms is adequate information and communication system, this is because in the world of today, easier and faster means of communication have made time and space less complex or confounding variables of organization and existence of social or individual systems.

At the core of the modern communication is the growing profusion, timeless and accuracy of information, consequently, information richness and information heading capability have become necessary and perhaps, and imperative components of life and living in modern society. The imperative of information storage is now clear to those who manage complex, social, and industrial organization, such as education and commerce. Thus, the ability and capability for timely analysis, and utilization of the storage of relevant and accurate information have become one of the most important attributes of the modern manager (Nwankwo, 1999).

The complexity of educational systems and institutions, particularly in Nigeria and other developing countries tend to be characterized by such phenomena as: student population, explosion, diversities in the directions and dimensions for programmes and funds and other material resources, conflicting policies as well as inadequacy of information. The demand for appropriate, adequate and timely information for decision at the secondary school level and in the entire education system, appears particularly challenging in the current situation where the available date are unreliable, unmanageable and generally involving highly technical issues and rapid development advances.

Secondary education is expanding at an unprecedented rate in Nigeria. As the system  grows, so also the problems of their planning, organization administration, monitoring and control. Hence the need for proper means of storing information.

One of the efficient ways of planning, organizing, storing, and retrieving information in Nigeria’s senior secondary schools is through record keeping. A doubt, the principles of keeping, managing and utilizing records are the very crucial. This is because on absence of adequate records to the proper management of school. To that extent, the schools will not be able to store, retrieve, and use information where it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Record keeping in the administration and management of senior secondary school is very vital if made available and put to use at the appropriate time, it will not only enable the teacher to monitor the progress of the child, but also enable them to give information to parents and guardians about the progress being made by their children. To the head teachers, the school records would enable him to follow the implementation and evaluation of the school curriculum and programmes, as well as ensure good conduct of teachers and students within the school system.

Indeed, as the demand for senior secondary education increases, more resources such as: man, machines, money, materials, and information are needed. The greatest proportion of information needed for effective and efficient running of senior secondary school system are therefore to be sourced from the internally generated and externally receive record. Records are therefore recorded information needed in pursuance of its legal, fiscal, and administrative function so as to achieve these corporate goals, information considered relevant to the management of the school. This could be captured with the use of materials like: paper, disks, and other materials.

The availability accessibility and management of information is very important to the running and managing of secondary schools. In the light of this, the study has been designed to investigate the impact and utilization of the school records by teachers of senior secondary schools in Ilorin South.

  • Statement of the Problem

For the broad goals of the senior secondary school education to be achieved, there is need for proper record keeping and management. The trend in the development of modern record keeping and the explosion in the population of senior secondary school students have however posed challenges to the school management and teachers. Proper record keeping and management is vital to the administration of senior secondary schools as this help in the monitoring of students academic performances.

The handling of records with levity among teachers and management of senior secondary schools is however worrisome, hence the need to investigate into the impact of record keeping in the management and administration of senior secondary schools

  • Objective of the study

The objective of this research work includes the followings;

  1. To examine the impact of school records on the administration and management of senior secondary schools in Ilorin south local government area.
  2. To find out the effect of school records on the academic performance of senior secondary school students
  3. To examine the efforts of senior secondary school management and teachers towards record keeping, in Ilorin south local government area
  4. To find out the challenges faced by senior secondary school teachers and management in the keeping of records
  5. To proffer probable suggestions towards proper record keeping in secondary schools
    • Research Questions
  6. What are the impact of school record on the administration and management of senior secondary schools?
  7. Does school record has effect on the academic performances of senior secondary school students
  8. Do senior secondary school management and teachers make due effort towards proper record keeping?
  9. What are the challenges faced by senior secondary school teachers and management in record keeping?
  10. What are the probable solutions to poor record keeping in senior secondary schools in Ilorin south local government area?


The following null hypothesis were formulated for this study and were tested at 0.05 level of significance:

H01:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of          secondary school principals and teachers with regard to school     records that are kept in senior secondary schools in Ilorin south   L.G.A of Kwara State.

H02:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of          secondary school principals and teachers with regard to  the         problem associated with record keeping in senior secondary schools.

H03:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of           principals and teachers with regard to the strategies for improving       school records keeping in senior secondary schools.

  • Significance of the Study

As earlier noted, the availability, accessibility, and utilization of information (records), enhance the productivity and effectiveness of the school system.

To that extent, the study will bring into fire the impact of record keeping in senior secondary schools. The study will therefore assist the government in knowing the status of record keeping in schools, and the challenges these schools face in keeping records. Thus, the government will be able to know how to provide the schools with the needed record facilities.

  • Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be limited to senior secondary schools in Ilorin south local government area. Some secondary schools will be selected in the one local government areas in Ilorin, for the purpose of generalization.

  • Definition of Terms

School: A place / institution of learning, where people go to be learn a particular subject or skill

Record: A written account of something that is kept so that it can be looked at and used in the future

Teacher: A person whose job is to teaching, especially in a school. It is the teacher that teaches the younger and inexperienced individual a particular subject or skill E.g, secondary school teacher.

Utilization: This refers to the manner in which school records are used by teachers of senior secondary schools.

Availability: This could be defined as been ready for used obtainable

Secondary Education: This could be defined as the education children received after primary education and before tertiary education.



2.1     Introduction

          This chapter discusses and reviewed the literature that is related to the study.

This is concerned with conceptual framework and it will be reviewed under the following sub-headings

2.2     Types and Significant of Records in Senior Secondary Schools

2.3     Impact of School Records on the Performance of Students

2.4     Effect of Records in school Management

2.5     Problem Associated with Records Keeping in Schools

2.6     Theoretical Framework

2.7     Review of Empirical Studies

2.8     Summary of Review of the Related Literature

2.2     Types and Significant of Records in Senior Secondary  School

          The number of records being kept in all schools cannot be instantly known. Even when it is possible to count the number, the exercise is not worth the efforts. This is because school varies from place to place in terms of their educational practices and theories, as well as in types of teachers employed to work within the system. Hence, there is bound to be some differences in the type of records to be kept in these school. The proposal which emanated as a result of the revision came into existence in 1927 and expressed concern for strong commitment to the principle of local decision making, in the following items:

The procedures described and the forms produced in the bulletin are intended to be a suggestive…


“The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools.” UniTopics, Accessed 23 February 2025.


“The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools.” UniTopics, Accessed February 23, 2025.


Here’s a typical structure for The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools research projects:

  • The title page of The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools should include the project title, your name, institution, and date.
  • The abstract of The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools should be a summary of around 150-250 words and should highlight the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • The introduction of The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools should provide the background information, outline the research problem, and state the objectives and significance of the study.
  • Review existing research related to The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools, identifying gaps the study aims to fill.
  • The methodology section of The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools should describe the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used.
  • Present the findings of the The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools research study using tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key points.
  • Interpret The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools results, discussing their implications, limitations, and potential areas for future research.
  • Summarize the main findings of the The Impact Of School Records On The Administration Of Senior Secondary Schools study and restate its significance.
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